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Blaest is Testing the World’s Longest Rotor Blade.

Blaest is Testing the World’s Longest Rotor Blade.

Once again Blaest is selected to test the world’s longest wind turbine rotor blade – for the first time a blade passing the 100 m mark – the B108 blade from Siemens Gamesa. The enormous blade has arrived at the test centre in Aalborg, Denmark, and test preparations are ongoing.

Full-scale structural blade testing is a mandatory part of the type certification process. The test campaign defined in the IEC 61400-23 standard covers extreme as well as fatigue loading to demonstrate that the blade can withstand all operational offshore load conditions throughout the lifetime of the wind turbine. The test campaign is expected to complete in 2022.

“We are extremely proud of having been selected as Siemens Gamesa’s collaboration partner for the blade testing”, says BLAEST’s Managing Director, Erik Steen Jensen. “When performing complicated tests on such a large structure, it is key that you apply the latest available model and the most modern test methods. You need to be professional, flexible and customer oriented. That is exactly what we are known for, and I am sure this is one of Siemens Gamesa’s reasons for choosing us for this test campaign”.

The tests will be performed in collaboration with project managers and design engineers from Siemens Gamesa’s design department, also located in Aalborg.