14 Jul Ultrasonic inspection
Optimum production of rotor blades requires extensive knowledge of design, materials, and production technology.
This combined with the fact that the technical and financial risks increase as the blades become larger, creates a need for new fast and efficient non-destructive inspection methods.
BLAEST/FORCE Technology has more than 15 years experience with non-destructive inspection of composites, and our inspection services has many advantages in the development of prototypes and in the production.
Automated ultrasonic inspection is very suitable for use on rotor blades. This effectively reveals laminate thickness variations and the presence of hidden defects in manufacture such as wrinkles (waviness) delaminations, inclusions, porosity (dry areas), missing adhesive, lack of bonds between spars and shells and between the shells on the leading and/or trailing edge.[/vc_column_text]

Figure 1 Automated Ultrasonic Inspection Services

Figure 2 This automated ultrasonic go-cart looking scanner indicates delaminations and dry areas in girder composites

Figure 3
BLAEST/FORCE Technology can assist blade manufacturers in the design phase, during prototype manufacturing and testing, and finally in production control.
Design and highly efficient production trials require extensive knowledge of materials and processes. In the early phase of the production trials BLAEST/FORCE Technology provide blade manufacturers with valuable information on laminate quality. Ultrasonic inspection can be applied directly to optimisation of design and production parameters to drastically reduce the risk of failures.
Prototypes can be dynamically and statically tested with rapid evaluation of the consequences by ultrasonic inspection. When prototype blade is scanned before and after mechanical testing, critical areas can be inspected for internal damage caused by the tests.
Optimum production quality can also be ensured by ultrasonic inspection. BLAEST/FORCE Technology has years of practical experience and dedicated inspection services that allow fast and efficient inspection of rotor blades. Serious hidden production failures can be found and corrected in time