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Modal analysis is the process of determining the modal parameters, which are then sufficient for formulating a mathematical dynamic model.

Optimum production of rotor blades requires extensive knowledge of design, materials, and production technology. This combined with the fact that the...

Uniform quality and guaranteed performance requires inspection. BLAEST/FORCE Technology has extensive experience with the testing of surface coatings and gel coats. This experience can give cost savings, especially as blades get larger.
Stiffness tests are performed in order to determine the stiffness distribution in different cross-sections along the blade.
Blaest is accredited to carry out both in-house tests as well as field tests.

Fatigue blade tests are performed in order to determine the fatigue properties of a blade. The reported data enables certifying bodies...

Static blade tests are performed in order to determine the structural properties of a blade including stiffness data and strain distribution.